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شركة Ilan Сar Glass, Ashdod

  • موثق من قبل وزارة المالية

ساعات العمل

مفتوح سيغلق الساعة 17:30


Ha-Ofim St 6, Ashdod
تحديد المسار
Ilan Сar Glass, Ashdod
Ha-Ofim St 6, Ashdod
  • Ilan Сar Glass, Ashdod، صورة 1

عن الشركة

مركز صيانة وإصلاح

Licensed service center. Car glazing service. The company offers its customers a wide range of complementary services, including: lifting mechanisms for windows, rubber bands, mirror glass, car side mirrors, window frames, adhesives, installation of (MOBILEYE) system, glazing tools, repair of windshield cracks without (REPAIRING), services For leasing and renting cars, working with bodywork garages, working with Israel Railways, trucks and public transportation. Calibration of complex safety systems in vehicle windshields. In the facility of the Italian company TEXA, which provides a solution for all types of vehicles, both original and replacement windows, along with a skilled team that has been specially trained for this. Calibration of car safety systems can be performed at selected branches of Ilan Car Glass.

نتحدث باللغات: العبرية الإنكليزية
شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي والمسنجرات: Facebook
أرقام الهواتف: *6620، 02-6730050


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