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شركة Tires Leibowitz Jacob

ساعات العمل

مفتوح سيغلق الساعة 18:00


Derekh Hebron 4, Beersheba, Israel
تحديد المسار
Tires Leibowitz Jacob
Derekh Hebron 4, Beersheba, Israel
  • Tires Leibowitz Jacob، صورة 1
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عن الشركة

مركز إصلاح إطارات (كومجي)

The "Tire Center in the Negev - Leibowitz" company was established in 1953 by Yaakov Leibowitz and became the first tire company in the entire southern region. Today, the company operates in three main areas: Tires - Sale and distribution of tires, wheel balancing, repair of ceilings, magnesium rims. Steering system - with us you will find the most professional service and work in everything related to the steering system: front direction, replacement of dampers, axles, triangles, front direction, replacement of bolts and bearings. Aspire 4x4 - In 2002 the company was authorized to represent the "Aspire 4x4 Company" which is the leading company in Israel in the field of orthopedic seats, flicker and public address systems as well as all the equipment needed for SUVs. "Tire Center in the Negev - Leibowitz" as the first tire company in the south is certified quality standards ISO 9000-9002 and provides service to the largest companies in Israel and the southern region, among these companies can be found the police, army, Magen David Adom, security and manpower companies, car rental companies, Large factories and construction companies.

نتحدث باللغات: العبرية الإنكليزية
شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي والمسنجرات: Facebook
رقم الهاتف: 08-6237105


  • إصلاح الشقوق الجانبية
  • إصلاح بنشرة الإطارات
  • الموازنة النهائية للدواليب
  • تجليس الجنوطة
  • ترقيع الإطارات
  • تغطية الجنوطة بالكروم
  • خدمات استبدال الإطارات
  • طلاء الجنوطة
  • لحام الجنوطة
  • موازنة العجلات
  • ضبط زوايا الإطارات ثلاثي الأبعاد 3D
  • معايرة زوايا تركيب الدواليب (دوزان)

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