Amulet (A15)

Chery Amulet (A15) generations

The Chery Amulet (A15) is a subcompact 5-door liftback manufactured by Chery Automobile Co.Ltd. from 2003 to 2012. Also known as Windcloud, the car has been sold as Chery Amulet in Russia since 2005. The car was also produced in Ukraine and Egypt. At that time, the Chinese brand was moving from the production of copies to the independent development of its cars. Therefore, the Amulet is a transitional model based on the first generation Seat Toledo, the body of which was developed by the famous Giugiaro. In the Russian market, the car came with 1.6-liter Euro-2 engines with 87 hp, as well as Euro-3 engines with 94 hp, paired with 5-speed manual transmissions. In other markets, it comes with a Brazilian-made 1.6 Tritec engine, as well as with ZF automatic gearboxes or a CVT. In China, this model was discontinued in 2010. In the Russian Federation, the car was modernized and was sold under the name Vortex Corda from 2010 to 2012.

Years of manufacture Amulet (A15)

Generations Amulet (A15)

Chery dealers