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Provision on Personal Information Privacy Policy

This Provision on Personal Information Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Provision”) applies to all information that Autoboom.co.il (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and/or its affiliates, including all persons/entities belonging to the same group with Autoboom.co.il (hereinafter referred to as the “Company's Affiliate”), or its official partners (hereinafter referred to as the “Company's Partners”), may receive about the user during the User's access to any of the Company's websites, services, programs and products (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”). The User's consent to the provision of personal information given by him/her in accordance with this Provision in the framework of relations with one of the representatives of the Company's Affiliate or the Company's Partners applies to all representatives of the Company's Affiliate and the Company's Partners.

The use of the Company's Services shall imply the User's unconditional consent to this Provision and its personal information processing conditions as specified herein; if the User disagrees to these conditions, the User shall refrain from using the Company's Services. In case any amendments and supplements are made to this Provision and the User does not agree with them, he/she shall cease to use the Company's Services.

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1 The Company established and operating in accordance with the international law, which is the administrator of the following websites: https://autoboom.co.il, strictly adheres to the policy of preventing unauthorized use of personal data received from each of the visitors (users) of the above-mentioned Internet websites (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”, “Websites”).

1.2. This Policy defines the procedure for handling personal data of the Websites' Users.

1.3. The clarification of personal data handling procedure is aimed at ensuring the observance of the Users' legal rights and interests, ensuring the protection of their rights and freedoms during personal data processing, including protection of the rights to private life confidentiality, personal and family secrets in connection with the need to obtain, collect, systematize, analyze, store and, if necessary, transfer (provide access to) the data specified in this Policy, which constitute personal data for the purpose of achieving the legitimate objectives of the Websites'/Services' operation.

2. Personal Data

2.1 Within the framework of this Provision, “User's personal information (data)” shall mean:

2.1.1. Personal information that the User provides about himself/herself when registering (creating an account) or in the process of using the Website (partner websites), including User's personal data (User's surname, name; User's e-mail address; User's phone number; other similar information reported by the User about himself/herself based, on which it is possible to identify the subject of personal data). The information mandatory for provision (service rendering) is designated in a special way. Other information can be provided by the User at his/her discretion.

2.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the Company's Services in the course of their use via the software installed on the User's device, including IP address, information from cookies, information about the User's browser (or another program).

2.2 Information about the User's personal data is considered confidential (constituting the Websites' secrecy protected by the law). The privacy mode with respect to personal data ceases to be applied:

  • In case of their depersonalization;
  • After 50 years of their storage;
  • In other cases provided for by the law.

2.3 This Provision applies to the Company's Services only. The Company does not control and is not responsible for third-party websites (services), which the User can access through the links available on the Company's website, including in search results. On such websites (services) other personal information may be collected or requested from the User, as well as other actions may be performed.

2.4 In general, the Company does not verify the authenticity of the personal information provided by the Users and does not exercise control over their legal capacity. Nevertheless, the Company presumes that the User provides correct and sufficient personal information on the matters specified in the registration form and keeps it up-to-date. In case of providing false personal data, the Company reserves the right to delete the User's personal account without explanation.

2.5. The User is hereby notified and gives his/her consent about the objective necessity arising during the Websites' (Services') operation in cases strictly limited by the Company to allow access to strictly specific personal data for software of third parties that are the Company's Partners. Such access is provided solely to increase the effectiveness of the Company's Websites for more effective provision of services ordered by the User.

3. Purposes of Collection and Processing the Users' Personal Information

3.1 The Company collects and keeps only the personal data it needs to render Services and exercise related actions (perform agreements and contracts with Users).

3.2 The Company is entitled to use the User's personal information with the following purposes:

3.2.1. Identification of a party within the agreements and contracts with the Company;

3.2.2. Providing the User with personalized Services;

3.2.3. Communication with the User, in particular, by sending notices, inquiries and information on the Services' use, on rendering the services, and processing the User's inquiries and requests;

3.2.4. Improving the Services, making their use more convenient, elaborating new Services;

3.2.5. Advertisement targeting;

3.2.6. Conducting statistical and other research based on depersonalized data.

4. Personal Data Processing

4.1. The source of information about all personal data of the User is the User himself/herself. The Company does not receive or process personal data from other sources, except the User's personal data received by the Company during his/her registration on the Website using authorization through services and websites of third-party Operators.

4.2. The User's personal information is kept confidential, except in cases when the User himself/herself provides his/her information for public access to an unlimited number of persons on a voluntary basis. When using specific Services, the User agrees that a certain part of his/her personal information becomes publicly available (publication of a personal announcement) or subject to transfer to the Company's Partners.

4.3. The User undertakes to provide to the Websites only reliable information about himself/herself.

4.4 When determining the volume and content of the personal data to be processed, the Company shall be guided by the international law “On Personal Data”.

4.5 The Company is entitled to use the User's personal information with the following purposes:

4.5.1. Identification of a party within the agreements and contracts with the Company;

4.5.2. Providing the User with personalized Services of the Company;

4.5.3. Communication with the User, in particular, by sending notices, inquiries and information on the use of the Company's Services, on rendering the services, and processing the User's inquiries and requests;

4.5.4. Improving the Company's Services, making their use more convenient, elaborating new Services;

4.5.5. Advertisement targeting;

4.5.6. Conducting statistical and other research based on depersonalized data;

4.5.7. Transfer to the Company's Partners to develop a strategy to improve the quality of services provided and develop new services of the Company's Partners and new Company's Services.

5. Personal Data Transfer

5.1 The Company is entitled to transfer the User's personal data to third parties in the following cases:

5.1.1. The User has expressed his/her consent to such actions;

5.1.2. The transfer is necessary as part of the User's utilization of a certain Service or to provide a service to the User;

5.1.3. The transfer is provided for by applicable law in accordance with the legislatively established procedure;

5.1.4. Such transfer takes place as part of a sale or other transfer of business (in whole or in part), with the purchaser acquiring all obligations to comply with the terms of this Policy in respect of the personal information received;

5.1.5. In order to ensure capability to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Company or third parties in cases when the User violates the terms hereof or the terms of the Company's User Agreement.

5.2. The Company carries out all legal necessary actions with the Users' personal data related solely to achieve the purpose of rendering services ordered by the User, including placement of advertisements and their further promotion among an unlimited number of persons, as well as other services on the Websites.

5.3. When transferring the User's personal data, the Company shall comply with the following requirements:

5.3.1. Not to disclose the User's personal data to a third party without the User's consent, except in cases established by the law.

5.3.2. Not to disclose the User's personal data for commercial purposes without his/her consent. Processing of the User's personal data in order to promote goods, works, services in the market through direct contacts with a potential consumer by means of communication tools is allowed only when the User gives his/her prior consent.

5.3.3. To warn the persons who have received any User's personal data that this data can be used for the goals, for which it was provided, and require that these persons should confirm that the rule was complied with.

5.3.4. The persons who have received personal data of the User are obliged to observe the secrecy (privacy) mode.

5.3.5. To transfer the User's personal data within the scope of and in accordance with this Provision.

5.3.6. The Users' personal data is processed and stored on the server in encrypted form in restricted access mode.

5.4. The Users' personal data can be obtained, further processed and transferred to storage in electronic form (via local computer network and the Internet).

6. Access to Personal Data

6.1. The Company undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and inappropriate access to the Company Website Users' personal data. For such purpose, authorized and targeted access to the Website Users' personal data shall be understood as access to them by all interested persons, carried out within the scope of the activity purposes and topics of the Company's Websites.

At the same time, the Company is not responsible for possible misuse of the User's personal data, which occurred as a result of:

  • Technical problems in the software and in technical equipment and networks beyond the Company's control;
  • In connection with intentional or unintentional use of the Company's Websites not for their intended purpose by third parties;
  • Transfer of access passwords, other information from the Websites by the Users themselves to other persons who do not have access to this information.
  • The Company guarantees the Users not to provide their personal data to third parties notifying in advance of such data possible misuse.

6.2 The Company takes all required and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized or random access, removal, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution as well as other unauthorized actions by third parties.

7. Informational Messages

7.1. By registering on the Company's Website, the User agrees to receive newsletters by e-mail and sms, weekly or periodically.

7.2. The User can create a subscription according to his/her own parameters and cancel it in the User Account. The User can cancel the subscription to weekly e-mails by clicking on the link located at the bottom of the e-mail received by the User or by contacting the support service.

7.3. The Company does not transfer the User's personal data to third parties without his/her consent, except in cases provided for by international law.

8. Amendments to the Provision on Privacy Policy. Applicable Law

8.1. The Company has the right to amend this Provision without any special notice to the Users. When the Provision is amended, the last modification date is indicated in the current revision. A new revision of the Provision shall take effect upon its posting unless otherwise envisaged in the new revision of the Provision. The current edition of the Provision is always available online at https://autoboom.co.il/en/help/documents/statement-on-the-privacy-policy

8.2. This Provision and the relations between the User and the Company arising in connection with the application hereof are governed by the international law.

9. Feedback Questions and Suggestions

9.1. All suggestions or questions regarding this Provision shall be communicated to the Company's Customer Support Service.

Publication date: September 1, 2020