Agera S

Koenigsegg Agera S - catalog and technical specifications

The Koenigsegg Agera S is one of the versions of the Koenigsegg Agera, released in 2013. The model was not designed to run on bioethanol, but also on gasoline. The car comes with a 5-liter twin-turbocharged 8-cylinder engine borrowed from the Koenigsegg Ager R. The modernized engine can run on gasoline with an octane rating of at least 93 and produces 1,030 hp. It takes only 2.9 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h. It takes the car 7.8 seconds to accelerate up to 200 km/h and 22.5 seconds to accelerate up to 300 km/h. And the maximum speed is 420 km/h.

Years of manufacture Koenigsegg Agera S

Generations Koenigsegg Agera S