
Mitsubishi Pistachio - catalog and technical specifications

The Mitsubishi Pistachio is a very unusual Japanese subcompact car that was produced for only 3 months as a limited edition. The car did not fit into the kei class due to more convex bumpers. It featured a 1.1-liter engine. The manufacturer was to create a champion of efficiency, so the car had only a manual gearbox, GDI direct fuel injection and an ASG system that turned off the engine when idle. The Pistachio was based on the Minica model, so the car looked somewhat ascetic. But the body was painted in bright colors with loud names: "citron yellow", "royal green" and, of course, “pistachio”, to match the name.

Years of manufacture Mitsubishi Pistachio

Generations Mitsubishi Pistachio

1 generation

Mitsubishi dealers and garages