
Haval H9 2018

Power 190 - 245 hp
Type of drive 4x4
Segment J
Engine Gasoline and diesel
Transmission Automatic
Number of generations 1

Haval H9 2018 - gasoline, diesel. Available transmissions: automatic. Technical characteristics, fuel consumption, dimensions and other parameters of the Haval H9 2018. Price list for Israel and other vehicle information, including safety and air pollution rating.

Body types Haval H9 2018

Haval H9 2018, suv 5-doors, 1 generation, restyling

For other countries

Type of drive
2.0 AT
190 hp, Diesel, 4x4
190 hp

Reviews and test drives Haval H9 2018

GAC Motor GN8. Bodywork, Exterior.

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For the past five years, Chinese vehicles have changed a lot. The Chinese have learned not just to copy, but to make good products. The quality of Chinese vehicle has become much better. Moreover, they look more modern and even original, despite the fact that they still look somewhat similar to the recognized marke...

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