Chassis Cab

RAM Chassis Cab 2008

Power 305 - 383 hp
Type of drive Rwd and 4x4
Segment J
Engine Gasoline and diesel
Transmission Automatic
Number of generations 1

RAM Chassis Cab 2008 - gasoline, diesel. Available transmissions: automatic. Technical characteristics, fuel consumption, dimensions and other parameters of the RAM Chassis Cab 2008. Price list for Israel and other vehicle information, including safety and air pollution rating.

Body types RAM Chassis Cab 2008

RAM Chassis Cab 2008, pickup double-cab, 1 generation

For other countries

Type of drive

RAM Chassis Cab 2008, pickup single-cab, 1 generation

For other countries

Type of drive

Reviews and test drives RAM Chassis Cab 2008

RAM Chassis Cab 2019. Bodywork, Exterior. Pickup double-cab, 1 generation, restyling

Chassis Cab. For heavy work

The RAM Chassis Cab is a RAM pickup for work with increased load and towing capacities. The designation ‘Chassis Cab’ indicates that this car is a real constructor, which comprises only two irreplaceable basic elements: the chassis and the cab. And on this platform, you can install any equipment, starting fro...

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