
Suzuki Swace 2020

Power 122 hp
Type of drive Fwd
Segment C
Engine Hybrid
Transmission Variable
Number of generations 1

Suzuki Swace 2020 - hybrid. Available transmissions: variable. Technical characteristics, fuel consumption, dimensions and other parameters of the Suzuki Swace 2020. Price list for Israel and other vehicle information, including safety and air pollution rating.

Body types Suzuki Swace 2020

Suzuki Swace 2020, estate 5-door, 1 generation

For other countries

Type of drive
1.8 CVT
122 hp, Hybrid
122 hp

Reviews and test drives Suzuki Swace 2020

Suzuki Swace 2020. Bodywork, Exterior. Estate 5-door, 1 generation

Suzuki Swace. Corolla’s reproduction technique

As a rule, automakers compete with each other for profits. But sometimes they unite and show the world a ‘new’ old model. This is exactly what Suzuki and Toyota did. They have built the Suzuki Swace, whose entire appearance shows the Corolla’s reproduction technique… The new model is actually a slightly modifie...

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Suzuki Swace 2020 dealers and garages