Share your experience and receive gifts from Autoboom

Autoboom opens a new opportunity - now you can leave your own unique review of your car. If you have already posted an ad on Autoboom, come and share your review! If not yet - welcome! More ads - more reviews - more invaluable experience!
More than 90% of buyers read reviews before purchasing any product. They help them “touch the product with their hands,” more precisely, decide, understand why this offer is better than others. The same thing works with cars.
Sharing your opinion is right and good for everyone! Do you have something to say about your car? We will be happy to hear it! But do not forget about honesty and reliability! Because we carefully check each review.
You can leave a review for each of your car sale ads. For a well-written and successfully published review, we give you a 7-day ad placement in the "Special Offer" block. This significantly increases the reach: the block is shown on the entire site, and ads in it are placed in equal rotation.
If you have already purchased any promotion service on Autoboom, we will put the cost of this service on your wallet in your Personal Account. You cannot withdraw this money, but you can spend it on any services.
Please note: for now, only the owner of the car can write a review. But soon, anyone will be able to leave reviews.
Be the first! Write your review right now!