Buy Aiways in Israel

  • Aiways

Sale of Aiways cars in Israel

If you are in the market for new electric cars, and are no longer interested in gasoline and diesel vehicles, then consider the Aiways brand. This is a modern electric car of Chinese origin that can also be bought in Israel.

Aiways is assembled in the spacious body of an SUV. The Aiways model line is very relevant, as the factory for their production was founded relatively recently - in 2017. The latest equipment and technologies are used to manufacture the cars, so the technical specifications of the vehicle are very interesting.

The batteries of Aiways electric cars are designed for long trips without charging. This stylish car in a steel body looks more like a car of the future. The interior equipped with touch screens and touchpads will be appreciated by both the driver and passengers. Despite its confident dimensions, the car is light and handles well.

The sale of Aiways models is not yet widespread, but you can buy it now on our website at an affordable price.