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Vehicle check

Passing the test and licensing

According to the law, every car owner in Israel must renew the license for the right to use their car once a year. License fee (ownership tax, registration fee, agrat rishuy) is a mandatory payment when purchasing any (new or used) car. The amount of payments is known in advance, is indexed once a year and is linked to the consumer price index. The amount of ownership tax depends on the purchase price and year of manufacture of the car. Without paying a license fee, you cannot pass the mandatory annual technical inspection (test), and the fines for failing to do so are quite significant.

In Israel, all used cars after the end of the warranty period must undergo a technical inspection (test) at a specialized center. The date of the next test is marked in Richayon Rehev. The frequency of inspection depends on the age of the car: the first 3-5 years (warranty period) the test is not carried out, up to 15 years ─ carried out annually, from 15 to 20 years ─ once a year with an additional check in the service center, 20 or more years ─ every six months with additional testing. The responsibility to pass the test lies with the owner of the car. You cannot use the car without it.

The presence of a passed test, the date of the next technical inspection, as well as the presence of a paid license fee are mandatory information when purchasing a used car. Without this data, you cannot make a transaction. That's why we carefully collect test and license information for every car sold in Israel. When checking a car by license plate, we will show the following data:

  • Until what month is the license fee paid;
  • When was the last test carried out;
  • There were delays in taking the test and paying the license fee or not;
  • Has the vehicle's license been revoked.

Please note that we obtain all data from open government sources and provide it “as is”, without any corrections or additions. Autoboom is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, and is not responsible for possible direct or indirect losses when using the information received.

If you do not agree with the information provided or have your own information about the date of the test and payment of the license fee, please contact us via the site user support chat, provide your information and attach (upload) supporting documents.

Before using the car check service by number, we strongly recommend that you read the terms of service.