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Advertisement Publication Rules

In an effort to increase the effectiveness and usefulness of the "Car Sales" section, preventing its saturation with low-quality information and a decrease in visitor satisfaction, we have established the following criteria for posting advertisements:

General provisions applicable to all car sale advertisements

  • 1. Advertisements for the sale of passenger cars, SUVs, and vans are allowed exclusively.
  • 2. The advertisement must contain information strictly about one specified car.
  • 3. Please provide your contact details in the designated fields. Placement of contact information (phone numbers, e-mail, website addresses, and the like), address details, and advertising of additional services (including car dealership services) in the "Ad Text" field is not allowed.
  • 4. The advertisement must indicate the actual price. Posting underpriced or overpriced values is not permitted.
  • 5. In free advertisements, it is prohibited to place advertising of your services and links to other websites, both in the texts of advertisements and in photos.
  • 6. Only photos of the car for sale are allowed.
  • 7. It is forbidden to post advertisements for the sale of cars belonging to third parties (via an agency scheme) without the car owner's consent.
  • 8. Duplication of advertisements for the same car is not allowed.
  • 9. It is not permitted to post advertisements for cars that have already been sold.
  • 10. Advertisements for the sale of cars intended for disassembly or irreparable are prohibited.
  • 11. In advertisements for the sale of cars with serious technical defects, crash-damaged or non-working, this must be stated in the "Ad text" field.
  • 12. Any manipulations that mislead the user are prohibited.
  • 13. Advertisements promoting resources competing with autoboom.co.il, as well as placing names or logos of competing resources in photos or in the text of the advertisement, are not allowed.
  • 14. Posting information that contradicts the laws of the State of Israel is prohibited.
  • 15. The "City" field must indicate the actual city of sale where the car is located.
  • 16. Changing information in an already created advertisement for the purpose of selling another car is prohibited.
  • 17. One user is not allowed to create multiple accounts.
  • 18. The advertisement must indicate the state registration number of the car for sale.

In case of violation of these provisions, advertisements contradicting the rules will be removed by the moderator. If the advertisement was posted or promoted on a paid basis, no refund is provided. In case of repeated violation, the seller's contact details will be permanently blocked, all the seller's ads and their account will be deleted, and the user agreement with the client will be terminated with a refund of the unused balance of actually transferred funds.