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How to Properly Photograph a Car

Before hastily photographing a car and posting a sales ad, read a few tips that will help you in this seemingly simple task.

Shooting Location

The background should not distract from the car. An empty street or a parking lot without other cars can serve as a suitable backdrop. Make sure to capture the entire car in the frame with some space around it.

Place a light-colored car away from trees and colorful objects. A green bush or a red wall can produce a color reflection and distort the car's color.

Best Time to Shoot

It's preferable to choose sunset or sunrise, when the outdoor lighting is softer, making photos more visually appealing. Daytime shots may be less successful due to the sun being directly overhead, which can distort the image.

With the right lighting, you'll be able to create shots that showcase the car's body details and confirm its good condition.

Choose the Right Photo Format

Photograph the car in landscape orientation. If you shoot vertically, the frame will include a lot of unnecessary elements, making it difficult to clearly see the car. However, holding the phone horizontally ensures that you'll get good shots.

Always hold the phone horizontally when photographing.

Don't Forget About Geometry and Watch the Proportions

The car in the photo should appear proportional. For general shots that display the entire car, it's best to turn off the wide-angle mode. Incorrect angles and a tilted horizon can distort the car's proportions, so be vigilant.

Hold the phone at approximately headlight height to avoid a "top-down view" photo.

Do not obscure the license plates

You shouldn't obscure the license plates on the car. You ruin photos with your "artistry". Don't worry - our neural network will hide the license plates before publishing. Later on, for other websites, you will be able to download photos in your Personal Account. It's convenient for you.

Autoboom will hide your car's license plates!

Take photos. What kind, how many, and what should you remember?

The more photos you can take, the more choices you'll have for the listing and you won't have to retake the car pictures.

You need to take at least four body shots:

  • view from the right;
  • view from the left;
  • front view;
  • rear view.

On a phone, such angles are better captured both straight on and at a three-quarter view. Because head-on photos can seem flat, but side shots will display the car well.

In addition to the general shots, it's good to show the following photos in the listing:

  • overall view of the engine compartment;
  • overall view of the trunk, if available;
  • dashboard with the engine on;
  • overall view of the driver and passenger seats;
  • overall view of the back seats.

It's advisable not to wash the engine to avoid arousing undue suspicions from the buyer. The mileage should be clearly visible in the dashboard photo.

The driver's and passenger's seats are better shot from the outside with the door open, so the buyer can assess the interior condition. In the front seats shot, the steering wheel should be straight. When photographing the interior, it's good to capture the door sills so their condition is visible.

If the car has a premium package, you can take close-ups of the seat upholstery and ceiling.