Civic Type R

Honda Civic Type R 1999

Power 185 hp
Type of drive Fwd
Segment C
Engine Gasoline
Transmission Manual
Number of generations 1

Honda Civic Type R 1999 - gasoline. Available transmissions: manual. Technical characteristics, fuel consumption, dimensions and other parameters of the Honda Civic Type R 1999. Price list for Israel and other vehicle information, including safety and air pollution rating.

Body types Honda Civic Type R 1999

Honda Civic Type R 1999, hatchback 3-door, 6 generation

For other countries

Type of drive
1.6 MT
185 hp, Gasoline
185 hp

Comparison of Honda Civic Type R 1999

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Reviews and test drives Honda Civic Type R 1999

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Honda Civic Type R. What does the letter ‘R’ mean?’

The Honda Civic Type R is a sports version of the Honda Civic, a compact C - class car from the Japanese automaker Honda Motor, which has been produced since 1997. Today in the Israeli market you can buy the fifth generation Hatchback 5-doors Honda Civic Type R 2017 model year....

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