Sometimes manufacturers recall their vehicles due to poor quality parts or workmanship. Replacement is always free of charge and regardless of warranty. If your car has an outstanding recall campaign, you will not pass the test.
Ownership history
We have no data on this vehicle
For cars from 2017, we provide a history of transfer of ownership. Autoboom uses data provided by the Ministry of Transport. Based on this data, we calculate the service life of the vehicle.
Mileage history
We have no data on this vehicle
Autoboom is not responsible for the reliability, relevance, accuracy of information about vehicle mileage posted by users or collected from open sources. The ability to use information from various open sources allows us to improve the quality of the information we provide about cars.
₪ 101 990importer price
4 715on the roads of israel
Ratings Suzuki Swift 2008
Air pollution
The indicator is calculated in accordance with the Clean Air Regulations (data on engine air pollution in promotional materials), 2009.
A big city with its narrow streets and insufficient parking spaces makes you change your habits. Thus, you start appreciating your automatic transmission, learn how to use the Start-Stop system and start thinking about buying an electric car or at least a hybrid while being stuck in a traffic jam. And when yo...
The Suzuki Swift is a city five-door hatchback with a bold image and a spacious interior, manufactured since 1983 by Suzuki Motor (Japan). Petrol cars and hybrid versions are sold in Israel. The fifth generation is very different from the fourth. The restyling of 2020 also brought some changes....
Suzuki Motor Corporation is a large Japanese engineering company, the 11th in the world by the sales amount of compact and small cars. Moreover, Suzuki owns only 16.9% of the shares, a small package of 3.28% is owned by Mitsubishi, and one of the largest shareholders is the Japanese government - it owns 23%. Suzuk...
All information and data presented in the inspection report for vehicle year Suzuki Swift 2008 with license plate 97-914-67 was collected using API technologies from Department of Transportation databases, as well as using proprietary information from the project database. Autoboom does not bear any responsibility for the data. Responsibility for the use of information lies solely with the visitor.