
Mercedes G-Class 2018

Power 245 - 422 hp
Type of drive 4x4
Segment J
Engine Diesel and gasoline
Transmission Automatic
Number of generations 2

Mercedes G-Class 2018 - diesel, gasoline. Available transmissions: automatic. Technical characteristics, fuel consumption, dimensions and other parameters of the Mercedes G-Class 2018. Price list for Israel and other vehicle information, including safety and air pollution rating.

Body types Mercedes G-Class 2018

Mercedes G-Class 2018, suv 5-doors, 3 generation

For Israel

For other countries

Type of drive

Mercedes G-Class 2018, suv 5-doors, 2 generation, restyling 7

For Israel

Type of drive

Comparison of Mercedes G-Class 2018

Similar cars to Mercedes G-Class 2018

Ratings Mercedes G-Class 2018

Safety Rating

The safety level of the vehicle is indicated based on the data provided by the manufacturer.

Air pollution

The indicator is calculated in accordance with the Clean Air Regulations (data on engine air pollution in promotional materials), 2009.

Reviews and test drives Mercedes G-Class 2018

Bowler Car

Off-road loyalty

When searching on the Internet, you can find a lot of complaints declaring that ‘real off-road vehicles are no longer produced.’ The amount of such comments can even make you believe that so many people spend most of their lives on the most difficult road expeditions. They conquer the most hopeless places on th...

  • Reviews
Mercedes G-Class 2018. Bodywork, Exterior. SUV 5-doors, 3 generation

Mercedes G-Class Off-Road SUV. 3rd generation 2018

Mercedes G-class is a range of full-size four-wheel drive off-road SUV vehicles from the German Mercedes-Benz company that has been in production since 1979. In 2020 the Israel market offered third generation models of the unique off-roader of the 2018 model year....

  • Reviews

Mercedes G-Class 2018 dealers and garages