Sometimes manufacturers recall their vehicles due to poor quality parts or workmanship. Replacement is always free of charge and regardless of warranty. If your car has an outstanding recall campaign, you will not pass the test.
Ownership history
We have no data on this vehicle
For cars from 2017, we provide a history of transfer of ownership. Autoboom uses data provided by the Ministry of Transport. Based on this data, we calculate the service life of the vehicle.
Mileage history
We have no data on this vehicle
Autoboom is not responsible for the reliability, relevance, accuracy of information about vehicle mileage posted by users or collected from open sources. The ability to use information from various open sources allows us to improve the quality of the information we provide about cars.
The cost of Toyota models in Israel will increase: the website of Union Motors, the exclusive supplier of Toyota in Israel, has published an updated price list for 2023. Let’s make it clear from the very beginning that the increase is insignificant. For example, the popular Toyota Corolla sedan will increase in pric...
Knowledge of the past and its analysis help to look confidently into the future. Even though the Israeli automotive market ended 2022 with a 7.8% drop in new car shipments, the share of electric vehicles in total sales exceeded 10% for the first time. We hope that this positive trend will continue in 2023. Rememberin...
The Toyota Corolla is a compact model produced by Toyota (Japan) since 1966. It has been at the top of the sales charts throughout its long life often without the slightest mercy for competitors. Recently, Toyota celebrated a milestone as its hit received further recognition in the form of a 50 millionth customer...
All information and data presented in the inspection report for vehicle year Toyota Corolla 2007 with license plate 26-399-61 was collected using API technologies from Department of Transportation databases, as well as using proprietary information from the project database. Autoboom does not bear any responsibility for the data. Responsibility for the use of information lies solely with the visitor.