Jiangnan. Who makes the cheapest car?
Who makes the cheapest car? The answer is simple: the Jiangnan brand, unknown outside of China. In the 2000s, the company produced almost the cheapest car not only on the local but also on the global market: Alto hatchback, based on the Suzuki Alto. But Jiangnan did not stop there, presenting in February 2023 on...
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![Jiangnan Logo](https://images.autoboom.co.il/0ejWeKFV6hsdexQRTASyKyiB3Xj9RA_D36p-Ryi5bC4/fit/900/900/sm/0/Z3M6Ly9hdXRvYm9vbS1pbWFnZXMvMDAwLzAwMC8yNTUvMjU1Mzc0LmpwZw.jpg)