
Porsche Taycan 2020

Power 530 - 761 hp
Type of drive 4x4
Segment F
Engine Electro
Transmission Automatic
Number of generations 1

Porsche Taycan 2020 - electro. Available transmissions: automatic. Technical characteristics, fuel consumption, dimensions and other parameters of the Porsche Taycan 2020. Price list for Israel and other vehicle information, including safety and air pollution rating.

Body types Porsche Taycan 2020

Porsche Taycan 2020, sedan, 1 generation

For Israel

Porsche Taycan 2020, estate 5-door, 1 generation

For Israel

For other countries

Type of drive

Comparison of Porsche Taycan 2020

Similar cars to Porsche Taycan 2020

Ratings Porsche Taycan 2020

Safety Rating

The safety level of the vehicle is indicated based on the data provided by the manufacturer.

Air pollution

The indicator is calculated in accordance with the Clean Air Regulations (data on engine air pollution in promotional materials), 2009.

Reviews and test drives Porsche Taycan 2020

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Porsche Taycan 2020 dealers and garages